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Seasoned Sacramento Injury Attorneys

Avoid These Workers' Comp Mistakes


If you suffer an injury at work, you may be eligible to obtain workers’ compensation benefits to cover your medical expenses and lost wages while you’re recovering from injury. However, insurance providers will typically try to find a way to deny your claim entirely since they are only looking out for their own best interests.

The following are common mistakes that can cost you the benefits you deserve:

  1. Not acting immediately after the accident. If you suffered a serious injury, it is imperative to obtain immediate medical attention. If the injury is not as serious, visiting a doctor is the best way to determine the full extent of your injury. Also, informing your employer of the incident is one of the first steps to filing a workers’ compensation claim.
  2. Not informing your physician of the details of the workplace injury. It is normal to respond with “I’m fine” after someone asks how are you. However, you must tell your doctor everything you can about the accident and your injury. Be honest with your doctor about all of your symptoms.
  3. Failing to submit your claim quickly. You should complete a workers’ compensation claim as soon and accurately as possible to receive benefits. Failure to submit your claim in a timely manner can result in denial.
  4. Not hiring an attorney. Against, your employer and their insurance provider will only look out for the company’s best interest, so there is a possibility that they may take advantage of you. Hiring a lawyer allows you the best chance of securing the benefits you need at a reasonable rate.

For more information, contact our Sacramento workers’ compensation lawyer at Smolich and Smolich and request a free consultation today.
