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Seasoned Sacramento Injury Attorneys

Why Employers Dispute Workers' Comp Claims


Workers’ compensation benefits are extremely important for employees who are injured while on the job, so it may come as quite the shock to learn that your employer has decided to dispute or even outright denied your injury claim. Why would they choose to do this? There are many reasons, some legitimate and others not so much. Let’s take a look at a few of them now.

Financial Ramifications

Employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance by law. This is a humongous expense for business owners that increases with every claim filed against it. Therefore, it’s in an employer’s best interest to not have that claim against their record, so they may do everything in their power to discredit or deny the claim if they can prove that they are not liable for it. The same goes for the workers’ compensation insurance company as well—the more claims they have to pay out on, the more money they lose, and the smaller their profit margin. All of these things work against you as the injured worker, so it’s important that you seek a Sacramento workers’ comp attorney who can protect you.

Location of the Injury

If you are injured as a result of a hazard at your office job, it’s difficult for your employer to dispute your claim. However, for those who are not at their typical place of work when they are hurt, it can be difficult for the injured worker to prove that they are eligible for benefits. As a result, many employers choose to deny the claim on the basis that there is no proof that it is their responsibility. This is a particularly big issue for those who are on the road as a part of their job, such as delivery or ambulance drivers.

Disbelief of the Claim

For subtle yet painful injuries, some employers may just simply choose not to believe the employee is suffering from a condition and deny the claim. This is particularly common for repetitive motion injuries, such as carpel tunnel syndrome, or back and neck pain from straining to see an improperly-positioned computer monitor. It can be difficult to prove these conditions as well, since they often show very little in the way of verifiable medical evidence and it’s often purely the employee’s word that stands as evidence. If your claim for one of these types of injuries because your employer chooses not to believe you, then don’t hesitate to speak with an attorney who can help you appeal their rejection.

If you have been injured at work and are filing a workers’ compensation claim, call Smolich and Smolich for assistance throughout the process. Our skilled team can help you overcome objections and get the compensation you are entitled to for your work-related injury. For more than 40 years, our clients have trusted us to protect their rights and fight to obtain the financial compensation they are entitled to.

Speak with an attorney about your work-related injury today! Call Smolich and Smolich at 916.571.0400 and schedule a free consultation!