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Seasoned Sacramento Injury Attorneys

Do Seasonal Workers Get Workers' Comp?


Seasonal workers are not excluded from California’s workers’ comp laws just because they may be temporary employees. California law requires that any company with at least one employee must purchase workers’ comp insurance, which should be used when any employee comes forward with a job-related injury.

There are all kinds of seasonal jobs during summer in California. From the agricultural industry to manufacturing, retail, tourism, and others, many people are working jobs during the months of June, July, and August that they may only keep during summer.

Due to the limited nature of seasonal work, it’s understandable why some seasonal temporary workers might not think workers’ comp laws apply to them. Fortunately for them, however, they can be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if they are injured during a job-related accident at work.

Not only do workers’ comp laws apply to seasonal employees, but they also apply whether a worker is employed on a part-time or full-time basis. The only type of worker at a company who may not be eligible for workers’ comp benefits is an independent contractor.

Do you have another question about workers’ comp in California? Need legal help? Contact Smolich and Smolich online to get in touch with our firm.
