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Seasoned Sacramento Injury Attorneys

What Is Considered Light-Duty Work?


Light-duty work, sometimes referred to as modified or alternative duty, is considered any job assignment that takes into account the physical limitations of the injured employee. This type of work must still meet all labor laws and regulations and provide fair wages for workers.

When an employee in California is injured while on the job and unable to perform their usual duties, employers may be required to offer light-duty work. In some cases, employers are able to create custom light-duty positions tailored specifically to an employee’s injury or condition.

This can include a reduced number of hours, different tasks than what was normally performed by the employee prior to their injury, and changes in location or equipment use/needs. and other accommodations that reflect the needs and capabilities of the injured worker.

Do Employers Have to Offer Light-Duty Work?

When an employee is unable to return to their regular job duties due to a workplace injury, employers must offer them light-duty work and can’t terminate their employment.

Light duty can also be offered to those who are pregnant and have been advised by their doctor not to perform certain tasks or lift heavy objects.

Can Employees Refuse to Do Light-Duty Work?

Employees can refuse light-duty work, but they will lose temporary disability and other state benefits available to injured workers who can’t return to their normal duties.

Oftentimes, people who refuse light-duty work disagree with a medical professional’s assessment that they are well enough to return to work or that certain kinds of light-duty work are appropriate considering their injuries.

Should you dispute the light-duty work offered by your employer or your doctor’s assessment of your disability for any reason, it’s important to seek our professional legal counsel from an experienced workers’ comp attorney.

Contact Us for Legal Assistance

It’s important for both employers and employees in California to understand what is considered light-duty work in order for workers’ compensation claims involving workplace injuries or other medical conditions to be handled properly.

In addition, it’s essential that employers provide reasonable accommodations within the parameters of the law so that all employees are treated fairly and with respect. By doing so, they can ensure that injured employees are able to remain productive while upholding their commitment to employee safety and well-being.

For legal assistance related to any matter involving workers’ compensation, contact Smolich and Smolich and request a free initial consultation.
