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Is There a Cap on Workers' Comp Benefits in California?


Workers' compensation benefits are essential for employees who experience work-related injuries or illnesses. Although California's workers' comp program is comprehensive, it has certain limitations.

It’s crucial for employees to have a clear understanding of the caps on workers' compensation benefits, including when they are applicable and the maximum amount that can be received. By being well-informed, employees can navigate the system more effectively and ensure they receive the appropriate compensation they deserve.

Which Workers’ Comp Benefits Are Capped in California?

California has specific regulations regarding the maximum disability benefits an injured worker can receive through the workers' compensation system. As a result, temporary total disability (TTD) and permanent total disability (PTD) benefits are capped in California.

Importantly, medical benefits are not capped in California’s workers’ compensation program. This means that no matter how much medical treatment an employee needs to address a work-related injury, they should receive benefits to cover these expenses with no limitations.

What Is the Limit for Workers' Comp Benefits in California?

California has specific regulations regarding the maximum benefits an injured worker can receive through the workers' compensation system. The cap on workers' comp benefits in California is determined by the state's average weekly wage (SAWW) and is subject to annual adjustments.

Currently, the maximum disability benefit rate is set at two-thirds of the employee's average weekly wage, up to a maximum of $1,619.15 per week (as of 2023).

The goal of this cap is to strike a balance between an injured worker who requires fair compensation without placing an undue financial burden on their employer.

Exceptions to the Cap on Workers' Comp Benefits

While there is a cap on workers' comp benefits, certain exceptions exist. Understanding these exceptions can help injured workers navigate the system more effectively.

Pension Adjustments

If an injured worker is receiving a pension, the workers' compensation benefits may be reduced accordingly.

Life Pension

In cases of severe permanent disability, injured workers may be eligible for a life pension. This doesn't have the same cap as temporary disability benefits.

Death Benefits

If a work-related injury or illness leads to the death of an employee, their dependents may be entitled to death benefits, which are not subject to the same cap.

Seeking Legal Assistance

When dealing with workers' compensation benefits, it can be beneficial to have proper legal representation. Smolich and Smolich can provide the guidance and support you require.

With years of experience in handling workers' compensation cases, our attorneys understand the nuances of California's workers' compensation system. We can help you navigate the claims process and fight for the benefits you need to move forward.

For more information about workers' compensation benefits in California or to seek legal assistance, contact Smolich and Smolich today.
