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Seasoned Sacramento Injury Attorneys

Can I Refuse Certain Treatments for a Work Injury?


It’s your right to refuse medical treatments that you are uncomfortable receiving, but you may risk reducing or even terminating your workers’ compensation benefits in the process. That’s why it’s important to find a physician you trust and whose treatment plan you feel comfortable receiving.

Choosing Your Doctor After a Work Injury

California law allows injured workers some choice when it comes to selecting their treating physician. This means that you have the right to choose your primary treating doctor from your employer's Medical Provider Network (MPN) or predesignate your personal physician before the injury occurs.

If you choose to predesignate your personal physician, they must agree to be your primary treating physician for any work-related injuries or illnesses. This option gives you more control over your medical care, as you can receive treatment from a trusted healthcare provider who knows your medical history and preferences.

What If I Want to Refuse Treatment?

While injured workers have the right to receive medical treatment for their work-related injuries, there are situations where they may wish to refuse certain treatments. Common reasons for refusing treatment include concerns about the effectiveness or safety of a particular treatment, preference for alternative therapies, or personal beliefs.

In California, injured workers generally have the right to refuse medical treatment for their work-related injuries. However, it's essential to understand the potential consequences of refusing treatment, especially within the workers' compensation system.

Legally, refusing treatment could impact your eligibility for certain workers' compensation benefits. If your refusal of treatment results in a delay or failure to recover from your injury, it may affect your ability to receive temporary disability benefits or other forms of compensation.

Exploring Alternative Options

If you're hesitant about certain treatments for your work-related injury, it's essential to discuss your concerns with your treating physician. They can provide valuable insights, alternative treatment options, or address any misconceptions you may have about the recommended treatment.

Also, seeking a second opinion from another qualified healthcare provider can offer additional perspectives and help you make a more informed decision about your medical care.

Contact Us for Legal Assistance

Refusing medically necessary treatment could affect your recovery and eligibility for workers' compensation benefits. Therefore, it's essential to weigh your options carefully. Seeking legal guidance can help you protect your benefits during this time.

With help from Smolich and Smolich, you can better understand your right to refuse medical treatments you don’t wish to receive and the potential legal consequences of doing so. Without our help, you can make the decisions that are right for you.

Contact us online to learn more about how we can help.
