Sacramento Firefighter Workers' Compensation Lawyers
Seeking Compensation for Injured Firefighters in California
Firefighters are some of the most important public service workers, especially in the dry deserts of California, where wildfires seem to burst out of control every summer and fall. These brave individuals look danger square in the eye and put their lives on the line to protect our lands and our homes when they’re threatened by raging flames. It’s not uncommon for firefighters to be injured while in the line of duty, and that means they should expect to receive the same workers’ compensation benefits as those in other occupations do.
At Smolich and Smolich, we believe that firefighters deserve the same quality of care and advocacy as everyone else, and we fight to help them receive the benefits they deserve. For more than 40 years, our team has provided each of our clients with the strong representation and reliable legal counsel they expect their case to receive. Whether you have been hurt in the line of duty fighting a wildfire, injured in a car accident, or acquired a condition from a training exercise, our team understands the hazards of being a firefighter, and we are proud to serve as your ally and help you get the benefits you need.
If you’re a firefighter who has been injured on the job, call Smolich and Smolich today at (916) 571-0400 or get in touch with our firm online to schedule your free consultation and start learning more about your options.
High-Quality Representation for a High-Risk Occupation
Firefighters don’t have it easy. Fires are one obvious threat to their health and well-being, but many people also forget about smoke, collapsing buildings, hot surfaces, and even dangerous equipment that firefighters have to work with every day, all of which could cause injuries. Under California law, firefighters are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, but sometimes these benefits aren’t granted automatically and instead need to be fought for.
Smolich and Smolich can help you obtain the following workers’ compensation benefits:
- Medical expense coverage
- Lost wages
- Disability benefits (permanent and temporary)
- Death benefits (should injuries prove fatal)
Fire departments have a responsibility to adhere to safety regulations to protect their workers (both employees and volunteers) from harm due to known risks. If you have been injured in this regard, or are suffering from a condition due to the nature of your work, get legal assistance from a Sacramento firefighter injury attorney as soon as possible.
Contact Smolich and Smolich online now and start reviewing your case with an attorney!