Temporary Disability Benefits
Sacramento Worker's Compensation Attorneys
The type and amount of worker's compensation benefits that you may be eligible to receive will depend on a variety of factors, including the severity of the injury, recovery time period, nature of the job that you perform, and more. If your situation will allow you to recover and return to work at some point, or even partially perform the functions of your job as you heal, you may be entitled to obtain temporary disability benefits.
Our experienced Sacramento workers' compensation lawyers at Smolich and Smolich have been helping clients throughout Northern California get the financial assistance they need for temporary time periods as they focus on making a complete recovery. Contact our firm today for more information.
The two types of temporary benefits that are given out through the California worker's compensation system are:
- Temporary partial disability, which can be received if you are able to perform only some of the duties of your job for a limited amount of time while you recover
- Temporary total disability, which can be received if you are unable to perform any of the duties of your job for a limited amount of time while you recover
Overcoming Challenges in a Complex System
Whether you fall into the total or partial disability category, our Sacramento workers' compensation attorneys have the know-how to handle every single aspect of your case. Working your way through the system and coming out the other end with the full amount of benefits you need can be a complex and confusing challenge. However, we have been assisting clients with such challenges for more than 40 years and will fight tirelessly to ensure you receive much-needed financial assistance while you recover from temporary work-related injury or illness.
Call us now at (916) 571-0400 and schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation with our firm!